2017-07-31 - Albemarle Ramble


~13.4 miles @ ~13.8 min/mi

"Surprise!" At mile 10 we're passing by the summer youth camp where Dr Kerry's son is working. Perfect timing: divert to greet him! It's an awesome cool and low-humidity morning. We trot without plans, enjoying day and comradeship. A fox starts to cross the road, then thinks better of it and retreats into a back yard. Kristin and Cait spy two big deer and four rabbits.

"A hidden gem - such a beautiful neighborhood!" We run along North Albemarle St, marveling at the dense woods, somber valleys, narrow winding road. An ancient stone chimney stands alone, last remnants of a long-gone home. Cars slow politely to keep us safe.

"My first 50 miler will be an easy one," somebody comments. "Hmmmm," is the reply, "there were no qualifiers like 'if I ever' in that sentence. Slip of the tongue?"

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-08-27